Thursday, March 6News That Matters

Tag: Connectivity

Lapis Lazuli: An opportunity to strengthen economic cooperation

Lapis Lazuli: An opportunity to strengthen economic cooperation

Geopolitically and geo-economically, Afghanistan is located in a subtle part of the globe connecting Central Asia to South Asia and to the Middle East. The exceptional location, widely famous as the Heart of Asia provides important economic opportunities for the growth of trade and transit, connection of markets, interactions among large cities, and for the socio-economic development of the region. In recent years, Afghanistan has sought a strategic approach to fulfilling its geopolitical and geo-economic role through creation of mutual interest and regional connectivity. It is expected that this approach will not only strengthen the mutual dependency in the region, but also help in building trust among regional countries and in the long run be effective in solving the political and sec...
Peaceful Afghanistan to connect South and Central Asia

Peaceful Afghanistan to connect South and Central Asia

Over the past forty years of conflicts, Afghanistan’s potential as a contributor to development and prosperity in Asia has gone unrealized. If it were a stable neighbor, as the current Afghan peace process is meant to make it, Afghanistan could harness its potential as the “heart of Asia” and connect the South and Central Asian regions. The five Central Asian countries have been isolated to the south by war-torn Afghanistan, to the east by rough terrain with nearly impassable mountains, and to the west by Iran, making engagement with South Asia both implausible and difficult. And though connecting the slot regions completely would be a lengthy process requiring the expansion and improvement of infrastructure across Afghanistan, achieving it would unlock opportunities for all: for Afghan...